19:00:58 <misc> #startmeeting Ansible Diversity Working Group | Agenda:
19:00:58 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu May 13 19:00:58 2021 UTC.
19:00:58 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
19:00:58 <zodbot> The chair is misc. Information about MeetBot at
19:00:58 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
19:00:58 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_diversity_working_group_|_agenda:_'
19:04:21 * misc open a box of donuts on the table, hoping it can attract people in the meeting
19:06:28 <misc> ok so let's start
19:06:55 <misc> #topic PyCon US update
19:07:14 <misc> that's right now, and I guess that's why there is almost nobody
19:07:30 <misc> jillr article have been published:
19:07:34 <misc> #link
19:09:10 * misc get a imaginary donut (Boston Kreme Donut, if people want to know) and decide to go on next topic
19:09:24 <misc> #topic Meetup organizer CoC survey
19:10:11 <misc> nothing new afaik (but I am kinda the John Snow of the survey, I know nothing)
19:12:09 * misc get another imaginary donut (Strawberry Frosted Sprinkled Donut, if people still want to know) and decide to go on last topic
19:12:21 <misc> #topic open floor
19:14:50 <tadeboro> Am I late? ;)
19:14:59 <misc> well depend
19:15:06 <misc> for the donuts, no
19:15:15 <misc> for the 2 first topic, we can revisit
19:15:25 <tadeboro> \o/ Donuts!
19:15:26 <misc> (I was just searching for a good joke to conclude the meeting)
19:15:42 <tadeboro> I have nothing to add there, so no need to revisit.
19:15:48 <misc> #chair tadeboro
19:15:48 <zodbot> Current chairs: misc tadeboro
19:16:23 <tadeboro> I am still a bit sad though because I read the comments on reddit about jillr's blog post.
19:16:25 <felixfontein> hi!
19:16:28 <felixfontein> (sorry for being late)
19:16:44 <misc> #chair felixfontein
19:16:44 <zodbot> Current chairs: felixfontein misc tadeboro
19:17:41 <misc> 121 comments, that's a lot
19:17:52 <tadeboro> is what I read.
19:18:39 <tadeboro> It is a lot for any subreddit, but I do not think I saw that many comments in /r/asnible ever.
19:18:47 <misc> yeah
19:19:05 <misc> but I also suspect it might have attracted people who do not post there usually
19:20:12 <felixfontein> I don't really know, but I would guess so. every topic in that direction always seems to attract random people like dead animals attract flies...
19:20:48 <tadeboro> When we post technical thingson reddit, we also get at least one or two nasty response that tell us we are doing things the wrong way and that we should feel bad, but that post attracted waaay more.
19:21:09 <tadeboro> Reddit is quite toxic in this regard.
19:22:01 <misc> now, 121 out of 40000 members is not a lot
19:23:24 <tadeboro> When the average is cca. 10 comments per submission, 121 seems a lot.
19:23:29 <misc> true
19:24:27 <tadeboro> But I guess anyone can have an oppinion about inclusivity without much effort while having an oppinion on technical things requires more effort.
19:25:02 <tadeboro> But the result still saddened me because I really struggle to see the downsides of being nicer.
19:25:07 <misc> I suspect the post have been also shared either on 4chan and/or others place that do attract people who tend to want to explain their point of view on the topic
19:25:48 <felixfontein> it reminds me of the 'rename master branch to something else' discussion on github
19:26:24 <misc> bikeshedding with a twist :)
19:26:53 <felixfontein> (and similar discussions also on github... it's always the same result basically, random people which seem to be totally unrelated to the project involved show up and argue against it)
19:27:16 <misc> yeah, same as discussing CoC (or RMS, as I have seen on Fedora)
19:31:42 <misc> well, I guess that since we do not have much to say, it might be time to close the meeting (and finish the donuts box)
19:32:03 <tadeboro> \o/ Donuts!
19:32:16 * tadeboro really likes command history ;)
19:33:43 <misc> so thanks for coming, see you in 2 weeks !
19:33:47 <misc> #endmeeting